Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Not a unique challenge

High contrast created by light often presents an exposure issue. Exposing to the highlight leads to the loss of details in the shadow, whereas exposing to the shadow bleaches the highlight. HDR, although an increasingly a popular solution, is not always feasible.  Such dilemma of course is not unique in photography.  Michael E. Tigar, a great litigator and dabbed "modern-day Clarence Darrow" describes a similar dilemma in his book, Nine Principles of Litigation and Life:

"In almost every trial, juror skepticism is your friend.  It is a two-way proposition.  You cannot invite the jurors to be skeptical about the other side without inviting critical examination of your own case.  We teach jurors to be skeptical by applying the principle of empowerment and its next friend, transparency."  Michael E. Tigar, Nine Principles of Litigation and Life (2009) at 132.

Luckily, the challenges here can be easily solved by means not available or permissible in litigation.
Times Square at Dusk